
Hold fast I forventningen

Sommeren er her, Corona-restriktionerne løfter i vores del af verden og vi kan igen se en bredere gruppe af mennesker fysisk.

Måske oplever nogen som mig at udskudte fester nu gør sommerens program intenst pakket i perioder.

Måske er du i forventning til feriestemningen og fejringerne. Eller måske har turbulensen i vores verden det sidste 1 ½ år lagt en dæmper på din forventning til livet.

Hvor end du befinder dig på skalaen i forhold til forventning til livet, og til denne sommer, håber jeg du vil læse med og Helligånden gennem mine ord må fylde dig med en større forventning. Den forventning som kærligheden beskrives til at indeholde i 1 Kor 13,7: ” Kærligheden holder altid fast. Den er fuld af tillid, forventning og udholdenhed.”

En af de festtyper, som sommeren er kendt for at lægge sæson til, er kærlighedens fest -— brylluppet. Forventningens glæde mellem to forlovede er normalt ikke til at overse. De planlægger i længsel efter den store dag og et helt liv sammen, og i forberedelserne er kærligheden ofte blevet testet netop på udholdenhed, tillid og forventningen.

Som gæst ved en bryllupsfest kan forelskelsen smitte, og så kan den jo også highlighte den forventningens glæde, som er passé i vores eget ægteskab. Den kan highlighte den forelskelse, som er dødt ud og blevet erstattet af ligegyldighed og kølighed, afstandstagen og skuffelser.

Forventningens faser 

I starten glæder vi os til at indgå ægteskab og finde ud af hvad der mon gemmer sig på den anden side? Det er dog ikke unaturligt at hverdagens trommerum og et par slag i livet, hvad end det er et dødsfald i nærmeste familie, en fyring, en diagnose eller skiftende prioriteringer, ændrer på det smil over tanken om fremtiden sammen, som vi bar til at starte med. Fortiden kan også have sine fangekamre, der lægger en dæmper på forventningen til fremtiden.

Jeg er blevet positivt overrasket i mit parforhold. På mange og uventede måder. Jeg er også blevet skuffet i mit parforhold. Mest over mig selv, meget over min mand og generelt over det trivielle i livet. At parforholdet kræver pleje. At det logistiske i livet fylder så meget at romantikken så let kvæles. Om kampen for at prioritere dét, som var så naturligt at gøre i starten.

Måske havde du forventet jeres kommunikation, sexliv eller økonomi var anderledes end områderne er lige nu. Måske havde du forventet at din kone eller mand enten ville forblive den samme eller ændre sine mønstre. Måske havde du forventet du selv ville være en bedre kone eller mand.

Skuffelser er svære at sluge. De kræver tit kampe med Gud og med hinanden. De kræver et ”giv slip” på, hvad vi havde forestillet os, et dybt suk og tid til at sørge over hvad er, og hvad vi oplever der mangler. Dér bliver forventningen til fremtiden sårbar.

Fokus i forventningen

Men hvorfor er det overhovedet vigtigt fortsat at være i forventning til hvordan vores ægteskab kan udvikle sig?

Det korte svar er at Gud altid arbejder på at forny, forsone og fremme vores fællesskab med hinanden. Hans kærlighed og ressourcer er uudtømmelige, og derfor vil det være forkert at slå sig til tåls med hvor vi befinder os nu i vores ægteskab. Vi kan være tilfredse med vores ægteskab uden at det betyder vi bliver tilbagelænede i vores attitude! Bibelen taler om at vi fik et fantastisk håb, da vi kom til tro: ”Man behøver jo ikke at håbe på det, man ser foran sig.  Men når vi håber på det, vi endnu ikke har set, så gør vi det med udholdenhed og stor forventning” (Rom 8,25).

Når vi holder fast i den oprindelige drøm, det oprindelige håb, den oprindelige vision for vores tosomhed og kærlighed, nøjagtigt som brudeparret så tydeligt ser deres fremtid for deres indre øje, så bliver vores hverdagsliv lettere fokuseret. Ikke kun på to-do-listen, men også på to-be-listen i forhold til vores ægtefælle.

Hvad skal vi så se frem mod? 

Jeg tror vi alle kan have forskellige, personlige svar på hvad vores vision for vores ægteskab er.

Overordnet set er vores ægteskaber skabt til at vise den kærlighed som Jesus viste menigheden:

Han ofrede sit eget liv for menighedens skyld! Ligesom en brud beredes til at møde sin brudgom ved at gennemgå et rensende bad, gøre sig smuk og indvi sig til at leve i troskab og renhed sammen med sin mand, sådan er menigheden blevet beredt til at blive Kristi brud. Han gav den et rensende bad ved Guds ord for at kunne føre den til sig selv som en skøn brud, der er parat til at leve i troskab og renhed sammen med ham (Ef. 5:25-26). 

Èn af de største årsager jeg havde til at blive gift med min mand var, udover at jeg ikke kunne undvære ham, at jeg vidste hvor god en chance der var for at få renset ud i attituder, meninger og andre hårde kanter. At jeg kunne holdes ansvarlig over for en anden, hele tiden. Jeg ville have gode muligheder for at blive mere ligesom Jesus. I hvert fald de gange jeg lader mine trigger-punkter lede til erkendelse, bekendelse og omvendelse.

Ligesom en voksende forståelse af Jesus og Guds natur (Se mere i 2 Peter 1,5) må være vores fokus i livet generelt, er det også den voksende forståelse af Jesus og Guds natur, der bedrer vores ægteskaber. Det fjerner presset fra at den anden skal være ”Gud” for os, når vi glæder os i Gud først og fremmest.

Forventningen om frelse 

Den gode nyhed er, at selvom vi måtte være blevet sløve og faldet væk fra vores første kærlighed, til Jesus og til hinanden, så er Guds løfter til os urokkelige.

Hans løfter om frelse gælder her og nu i vores ægteskab.

Da profeten Esajas blev angrebet fra hver side, proklamerede han: ”Jeg har forventning til, at Herren griber ind- jeg sætter al min lid til ham” (Es. 8,17). Må I proklamere det samme, selv når angreb fra alle sider omgiver jeres fælles ståsted og drømme.

Vi kan også opleve den gentagne redning fra vores syndige natur i takt med at Jesus helliggør vores karakter og hjælper os til at respondere med udholdenhed:

Udholdenheden giver os karakterstyrke, og karakterstyrken giver os en stærk forventning om at få del i Guds herlighed engang. Og vi bliver ikke skuffet i vores forventning, for Gud har givet os Helligåndens kraft og fyldt vores hjerter med sin kærlighed (Rom 5,5).

Afslutningsvis beder jeg for dit ægteskab. Jeg beder for at I må se på ny, hvor afgørende jeres unikke eksempel på et ægteskab er i den tid vi lever i. Eksemplet er kraftfuldt i jeres omgangskreds, på et lokalt plan og på et bredere samfundsplan. Mennesker er desperate for at se mennesker, der er vedholdende og formår at forsone og tilgive og være ét — ikke fordi de er ens, men fordi de rummer hinanden og Guds nåde bærer dem. Som kommer sejrende ud af kampe, fordi de hviler i Jesu sejr, beskyttelse og smil over deres ægteskab.

Det kræver mod at leve i forventning til en fantastisk fremtid, når vi har prøvet at blive slemt skuffet over hinanden. Men gennem Jesus’ kærlighed kan vi kende og vise den kærlighed til hinanden, der altid holder fast. Den kærlighed, som er fuld af tillid, forventning og udholdenhed (1 Kor 13,7).

Guds kærlighed tåler alt, tror alt, håber alt og udholder alt. (1 Kor 13,7). Må vores liv, inklusiv vores ægteskaber, afspejle mere af det!

Let Love Lead - 5 practices for the corona crisis

Let love lead - five practises for the Corona crisis

These are the days of lockdown.

These are the days where toilet paper and other essentials have been hoarded in fear of lacking. Super markets have experienced queues, hand sanitizers and the like are being stolen from hospitals in desperation and selfishness. Restaurants, fitness centres, shopping centres, hairdressers and dentists are closing down today except for takeaway and urgent dentist care. These are the days where no more than 10 people are allowed to meet up. Pregnant women can't choose anymore if they want to birth their baby at home due to hygienic considerations. People's non-urgent operations are on hold. The welfare system that is normally so dependable in Denmark is being shaken and endangered.

Everyone has to change up their daily life. It's the days of cancelled plans, empty streets and coughing in our sleeves. Things are different for sure, and who could have imagined this just a month back?

What a surreal moment in history we're part of right now of a new virus locking down society! Unprecedented days. I hope you're safe and your hope is anchored and your faith intact.

It's so easy (and natural) to panic and get paralyzed by the crisis. But I know I do not want to stay there. When I think about having to tell my daughter one day about these crazy times we lived through, I want to tell a story of how we didn't stay paralyzed by fear but we moved forward in loving action.

That's where I want to position myself. You too?

Therefore, I am practising these five 'S'-words: sow, serve, stir, sabbath rest and spring forth even though they are not natural at all right now!

Wanna join me? Then read along below.

I pray that no plague will come near your dwelling.

When fear tries to paralyse us, let's let love lead and respond with action.

1. Sow

I heard the biblical teachers John & Lisa Bevere recently speak about Genesis 26 and how Isaac chooses to sow in the land (v.12) even though it is a time of famine: "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him".

It's not natural to sow now because I know my husband's job with a blink of an eye just got more unstable, and my job prospects after maternity leave might be also. Nevertheless, we have chosen to sow now financially to an organisation that helps serve the socially vulnerable in Covid-19 because sowing seed activates faith and trust instead of fear of being in lack ourselves.

Also, I love that God has already sown words of knowledge into the earth through His people and given us discernment to know the times and season we're in. He has already given heads-up's to some people of what is in front of us right now, like this hope-filled prophecy from Joseph Prince.

2. Serve

Serving is not a natural response either right now. Fear of spreading the virus may want us to stay in our homes completely. I want to do my due diligence and err on the side of caution to not spread the virus unknowingly.

I also want to be on the lookout for those who are more exposed than me. I've chosen to offer my help in my local church and also through Red Cross' help network to grocery shop for elderly and other exposed people. This can be done with all the precautions in place of two metres of distance, gloves, hand sanitizers and so on.

3. Stir up

I want to stir up prayer, conversation and positive imagination.

Prayers of protection (Psalm 91). Conversations about God's nature that's unshaken in the midst of shaking times. Positive imagination on how to spend my time creatively - whether that's to connect with people through FaceTime to not isolate completely, to practice new skills, read books that's been on my bucket list or whatever else I might be reminded to do.

4. Sabbath rest

With constant newsflashes during the day, I find myself sitting down a lot and checking the news constantly to stay updated, and maybe also to feel a sense of control in the midst of craziness.

But I want to be committed to set parameters on my intake of this so that I'm actually also getting up, walking, praying and journaling instead of mindlessly consuming and ending up in spirals which do not bring any true rest.

"If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people, and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I’ll be there ready for you: I’ll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health" 2 Chronicles 7:14 MSG.

This lockdown is a great opportunity to 'return to the garden' and awaken or reawaken to our first love. We can get still and let God tend our souls. I love how Isaiah 51:3 puts it:

"I, God, will comfort… I will transform her dead ground into Eden, her moonscape into the garden of God."

5. Spring forth:

What I know about God is that He allows in his wisdom what He can prevent in his power. He has allowed this to play out even though evil is not sent from Him. I know that He works things out for the good for those who love Him and are called to his purpose.

Therefore, I'll have hope in what will spring forth from this. I know the nature of God and the rhythms He has set up. After Autumn and Winter, comes Spring and Summer. When He prunes and cuts back, a new bud shows up. In pain, a child is birthed. In boredom, creativity blossoms.

I want to pay attention to what might be awakened through this. I pray we will awaken. I pray that with the slow pace comes reconciliation for families that are on the brink of divorce.

I pray we'll not let worst-case-scenarios spring forth but speak forth God's promises instead. We know the facts about the situation. But the eternal truth is, that He that is in us is greater than the One in the world... The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life to the full... God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind....and on and on His truth goes! Let's preach it to ourselves and remind each other of God's promises.

Let's take this one day at a time. He has got you.

We only know in part now but one day we will know in full <3



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Picture: Sophie Vestergård (instagram-handle: @sophvest).

More intention, less obligation

A new year, a new decade, a new beginning. A clean canvas to fill. 358 days to paint within. What colours and word are you going to choose for the painting of this next chapter? What will you make space for within the framework of this year?

Beginnings hold potential; potential to transition you into a new trajectory in life; potential for blooming. It often takes boldness to begin, for beginnings can feel both bare and brutal, big and beautiful, blurry and bright all at the same time.

Whether your beginning to this new year feel beautiful, blurry, or brutal (or something completely else), I pray you're awake to your heart's desire.

One of my desires for the new year, and even decade, is to live more out of intention than obligation.

An obligation is defined as a duty, a debt (of gratitude for a service or favour) and being bound morally and legally to someone or something. Obligation is not all bad. The bible speaks about how we are obligated to:

  • Take care of our families (1 Tim 5:4 AMP talks about it both being a religious duty and a natural obligation).
  • Speak in a manner that reflects our fear of God and profound respect for His precepts (James 3:10 AMP).
  • Walk and conduct ourselves just as Jesus walked and conducted Himself if we claim Him as God and Saviour (1 John 2:6 AMP - moral obligation).
  • Follow the Spirit's promptings instead of the flesh's demands (Romans 8:12 AMP).
  • Walk in His ways, His statutes, His commandments, His precepts, and His testimonies (1 Kings 2:3 AMP).
  • Righteousness (Romans 6:20 TPT).

Obligations keep us accountable to the ones we love; to our God and our families.

Where obligation gets unhealthy is when the vision for our own life is altered and others' agenda instead get to dictate our days. It affects our fruit and our freedom. Focus and effectiveness is rarely evident in our lives when we are dragged in different directions due to the pursuit of pleasing others:

"But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing!" Romans 13:11 MSG (my emphasis).

It's so easy to live unintentionally with no aim and just do what's demanded of us each day - to go about our errands, stay long for that birthday party because you feel obligated to, keep meeting up with a friend because you always have done it and so on. It's beautiful wanting to delight others. But when these above examples are done to earn approval or acceptance, you wear yourself out. God cares about the motive for our actions, though they look good on the outside:

"Though they fast, I will not hear their cry; and though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them [because they are done as obligations, and not as acts of loving obedience]" (my emphasis).

God doesn't wants dreadful, dutiful, dulled actions with no heart in it. He wants our loving obedience to the assignment He is waiting for us to steward. He wants our hearts, our all, surrendered before Him. He wants us focused and awake, not sidetracked by others' agendas, demands and expectations of you:

"Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer" 1 Peter 4:7 TPT (my emphasis).

He has an assignment for you this season which takes prioritisation. He wants to partner with you to give your dreams legs.

If you're up for that shift in life, I believe 2020 can be the year where you’ll live more out of intention and less out of obligation. Jesus' death marked the transition from the old plan to the new one, canceling your old obligations once and for all (Heb 9,16 MSG). Therefore you can resist and refuse those who try to tie oppressive burdens of religious obligations on your back (Matthew 23:4 TPT).

Instead, by your beautiful intentions you can continue to do what brings pleasure to him (1 John 3,22 TPT). You can finish what you started last year without intentions growing stale. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't (2 Corinthians 8:10 MSG).

As you're intentional with your time, treasure and talent this year, you'll make space for new births. It will move you out of being stuck in transition and into the trajectory for your life.

You've got what it takes to finish it up, so get to it. Your heart's been in the right place all along.

Whether you intentionally begun this new year or you have stumbled into it, the matter of fact is that it has begun! And though what you have intended to build into this year seem insignificant, know that the Lord delights in small beginnings and asks us not to despise them.  

Remember the promise that “[...]Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will greatly increase Job 8:7 AMP (my emphasis).

More intention, less obligation in Jesus' name.

Walk in His liberty.

All the best,

Sandra Hultén.

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Picture: Sophie Vestergård (instagram-handle: @sophvest).

Endless energy

Endless energy, boundless strength (Ephesians 1:15 MSG) Doesn't that sound attractive, appealing and plain amazing?

Well, endless energy is not normally the first thing that comes to mind when describing a new mum as I am. Quite the contrary, sleep deprivation is often worn as a badge of honour!

Nevertheless, endless energy was what my husband recently spoke over me to describe what he believed God would do for me in this season. Clearly he possesses the spiritual gift of faith 😜 (he actually does) and I do want to claim that word 🙋‍♀️Anyone else?

Energy is defined as 'the capacity for doing work' and it's God-given:

"It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it!" 1 Corinthians 15:10 MSG.

We've all been given a portion of energy to steward and we're promised that "...your strength will equal your days" Deuteronomy 33:25 NIV.

Our spiritual, emotional and physical energy levels are affected by how we steward it. When we spiritually keep ourselves ablaze, emotionally guard our hearts and renew our minds, and physically choose well regarding diet and exercise, we reap energy. Our energy is also positively affected by passion for what we do and can be negatively affected by mental or physical illness.

I 'm not naturally an energetic person. Part of me is eager, ready for anything in God; but another part is as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire, as Eugene Peterson paraphrases Mark 14:37 in the Message Translation.

Therefore, it encourages me that any believer can be energised for good works by the power of the Holy Spirit:

"Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure" Philippians 2:12 MSG.

Imagine one believer living like this, and then imagine a body of believers living an energetic life of salvation. The passionate energy of the church can make hell run out of breath! ( like it says in Matth 16,18 MSG"... a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.")

We can be like Stephen who "... brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them" Acts 6:8 MSG.

We can be like Jesus who felt energy discharging from him when people came to him for healing and restoration (Mark 5:30 MSG).

We can spend our energy to get along and encourage one other as the apostle Paul encourages us to (Romans 14:19 MSG).

Practically, we can choose to fill ourselves with His living Word which will fuel us: "For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy" Hebrews 4:12 MSG.

Are you ready for a Winter full of endless energy?

Then I pray that God will make you fit for what he's called you to be, and that He'll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so it all amounts to something (2 Thessalonians 1:11 MSG).

Endless energy, boundless strength (Ephesians 1:15 MSG) is your portion in Jesus' name.

Picture by Sophie Vestergård. 

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I believe 2020 has the potential to be the year you’ll internally hear and believe that you’re ACCEPTED instead of rejected! 🙋🏼‍♀️

“Accepted” will be the soundtrack you walk to. Roots of rejection will be uprooted as you, by faith, receive the grace to walk free from people bondage and past wounds and into your identity in Jesus of being fully accepted - enfolded into the family of God:

“And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God” Romans 8:14-15 TPT.

To accept means to give consent, say yes to, approve of and to welcome.

How powerful to accept (give consent to, say yes to, approve of and welcome) the Holy Spirit’s stamp on you, His life in you, His breath in you. ✨

When you know you’re accepted, you can give consent to make God stretch you beyond what you’ve currently seen without looking to the left or right for approval of your every move. When you know you’re accepted, you can say yes to who you’ve been created to be. 

When you know you’re accepted, you can approve of the gifts you’ve been given and not reject or neglect using them anymore. 

When you know you’re accepted, you can welcome rather than abandon yourself - that is the redeemed, renewed self. The self which Christ shines through. 

Christ in you is the hope of glory. We share in Jesus’ glory. What a grace and what a mystery. What an ACCEPTANCE. 

So - welcome how Christ in you is expressed... Your personality, your gifts, your abilities, your quirks. 

Challenge accepted? (no pun intended)

I know I want to receive this by faith and apply and align myself accordingly 🤗

Whether you’re carrying perceived rejection, internal self-rejection with a harsh inner critic or experienced an actual rejection in a relationship, from a job, a certain group etc., know that you can apply the Word of God to your mind. 📖

With the mind of Christ, you’ll believe you’re accepted even while being rejected on the outside. 

As you accept the gift of you, you can give of yourself to others rather than neglect, abuse, despise and discard what you have to offer. ❤️

We’re accepted - in Jesus’ name. ✨

Picture by Sophie Vestergård  (Instagram-handle: @sophvest)

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The road of revelation

“You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead” Psalm 18:28 TPT.

Financial revival is in the air. That’s what my senior pastor Brian Houston has declared over the Hillsong congregation for the year of 2019. 

Revival happens corporately when individuals personally experience revival.

Some synonyms of revival are advancement, comeback, improvement, upswing, restoration and resurrection!

Yes and amen. I want in on that. 

The godly outcome of financial revival for believers is that it enables the church body to take care of their own families, share with their faith community, invest in good noble causes, leave an inheritance to the next generation and be generous - a blessing to the world. 

Any prophetic word needs our partnership and decree to see it become our own personal reality. 

For me, this word seems timely and strategic; right on point with what God is already up to in my life. It’s an echo of a voice already heard and a process already started. It rings true. Confirms and reassures. And how important to weigh a word like that. Against THE Word and your own Rhema words that are highlighted and quickened in your spirit for the season you’re in and about to step into by faith. 

Let me testify to what practical partnership with a word of God can look like. 

I am not naturally great with numbers nor money. I have to work at being wise and knowledgeable to steward well what God each month entrusts me to steward. 

I’ve had to debunk some false beliefs around finances. One of them being that it’s selfish to take care of myself and my household. The great focus on giving in churches had me swing on the extreme pendulum of giving what I didn’t have for years! I gave out of weakness, not strength. The result was debt. 

Even though the bible never calls debt a sin-issue, it is never mentioned in a positive light as the higher road, the wisdom way, either. It talks about it crippling and enslaving me though culture calls debt natural and necessary. Culture sells consumer debt as attractive to keep up with the Joneses so you can own a house, new furniture and a car at 30. But who says that’s where you need to be at? After all, mere appearances are not what we’re called to aim after. Nor to live similar lives. Rather, solid foundations and depth (not debt) manifesting from the inside out is how the upside down kingdom works. Integrity matters. Not what you have, when you have it or what it looks like to others.

Side note is, your debt spiritually speaking is paid for in full so no condemnation here if you have debt! Also, there are good and bad debt. There’s so much to say on this and nuances too I won’t go into here. 

The point is, I needed a revelation of how a poverty mindset made me live in lack and neglect of my what was within my own yard to garden. I needed revelation-light to shine on the unhealthy parts of my heart that looked down on those not sacrificing in the way I did. I needed excuses to stop and false beliefs to be broken. I needed to believe I could get victory in this area. Maybe you need that too?

As my need for revelation in this area was revealed, I began to search for it and have hope that even though I’m neither a practical, detailed or math-wired person, I can learn to practically outwork the financial counsel of the bible in my life.

It’s not there to frustrate me but to free me.

As the counsel of the word and gifted people in the area of biblical finances began to guide me, divine design is beginning to protect me as the scripture below promises:

“If you choose to follow good counsel, divine design will watch over you and understanding will protect you from making poor choices” Proverbs 2:11 TPT.

A budget now makes me stay on track. Where guilt abounded with my nice-to-have spending, enjoyment now resides because nice-to-haves are planned for. 

I’m aware of the temptations to rationalise emotional spending. There’s room for being spoiled once in a while but I don’t let it ruin the whole picture of the direction I’m going in my budget and ultimately what that finance empower me to do in life.

Living below my means does mean that my life no longer looks like I am somewhere in life I am not. I can no longer support all the causes I did beforehand. I live in a cheaper apartment and I go on holidays only if I can afford it.

Because I now have a long-term vision for what I want to spend my money on, I can better welcome sacrifice in my present. 

Telling my money where to go is intentional, creates freedom and builds into my long term goals and dreams. 

Life in the faith lane is beautiful. There are never-ending layers of revelation to tap into. Each layer gives new light to walk out life with wisdom. 

“The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together” Psalm 19:7 MSG.

So, revival is in the air. 

Where do you need to AWAKE to new revelation? 

If it’s in the area of finances as it was for me, I declare and decree blessing over you that’ll cause ripple effects of momentum for the body of Christ all over. When Jesus’ body on the earth is strengthened financially, it can’t help but cause His light to shine brighter. As we lend our strength through our open hands, we’re reaching those who are still walking in darkness.  

Let’s pray with King David… “Teach me how to make good decisions, and give me revelation-light, for I believe in your commands” Psalm 119:68 TPT.

Also, how good is mercy? We get what we don't deserve. As you start walking in your new revelation and abandon your old ways, I believe God declares over your former:

"Her debt of sin is paid for, and she will not be treated as guilty. Prophesy to her that she has received from the hand of Yahweh twice as many blessings as all her sins" Isaiah 40:2 TPT.

Let it be your portion. Bless you.

Picture by Sophie Vestergård  (Instagram-handle: @sophvest)

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Labour of love ❤️

Looking back on these photos from birth, (and a few more too bloody for this public space 😆) I’m reminded of the labour of love it was to birth my baby! It took persistence and a laying down of preferences and pleasure to deliver…and a whole lot of praise, prayer and power from above. 

So it is with labouring to birth new life spiritually speaking. It takes sacrifice. To birth a God dream not yet in plan sight, we often have to let go of old fears,  preferences and commitments in order to see the ‘baby’ welcomed into the world. 

Delivering new life is costly - messy - beautiful and rewarding all at the same time. 

Jesus’ example shows us that love’s reality is to sacrifice (1 John 3:16 TPT) and that the joy of new life waits on the other side of suffering and surrender (Philippians 3:10 TPT).

Do you have a God dream on the inside of you? 

Sometimes we already know what kind of baby we’re carrying inside of us. A ministry. A business. A book. A song...

What we rarely know is the exact appearance of the baby and other details of when, how, and what it will take to birth it before we go into labour. 

As you navigate the (messy) bends and curves of labouring, I believe God will provide the support of a maternity ward (Fødegang) metaphorically speaking. There you’re empowered with a delivery room, a midwife and all the equipment you need to safely birth whatever is on the inside of you ready to come out. 

So be strong, courageous and encouraged. Support is coming. Have a heart of faith to believe it and eyes to see it. New life is on the other side of your letting go. Just as the autumn season never fails to be a reminder of 🍁

Lean into Him. Partnering with God, the source of all LIFE, is so rewarding. 

Side note/bonus testimony is, last time I published a blog was the day before my due date for our baby girl and also, unbeknownst to me, the day before my water broke and the process of labour begun!

I prophetically declared in faith over you and myself: "Your delivery has arrived" because my husband and I had stood in faith that our daughter would be born just around due date for several family reasons.

God did show up on due date with my water breaking... and I believe that was totally the Father's perfect will. No matter the herb teas drunk and the squats and long walks made by a pregnant woman, the actual effect of it is still not scientifically proven. It's a mystery how a women enters labour. God is big and too wondrous for our imagination for us to fathom how He births life through us!

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Your delivery has arrived

Have you ever been waiting for a package delivery?

When ‘track-and-trace’ updates me it's time to check my mail box for an arrived package, I get excited, and when the delivery is on time, it's just the best!

However, sometimes delays happen that cause anxiety as to when I'll end up receiving the product I ordered and is expecting. 

The same anxiety can show up in our spiritual and emotional waiting room of life whether the delivery is something we're about to be given (like a package), something we're about to give birth to physically or spiritually or we're waiting for something or someone to deliver us! 

For me personally, I'm waiting for the delivery of our baby who is due tomorrow! However, I don't know when that delivery will happen exactly so this bible-dive into what the scriptures have to stay about delivery and deliverance is timely for myself. 

What kind of delivery are you waiting for right now?

It could be that you're waiting for restoration in a relationship, a healing in your body or a promise/ dream in your heart to be delivered to you?

Whatever the type of  "'Your delivery has arrived'- email" you're waiting for, I believe we can do three things in the meanwhile to stay in hopeful expectation!

Metaphorically speaking:

  1. We can check our package order request to see if it's correct
  2. We can check the email spam filter to make sure the right message is reaching us
  3. We can check the order confirmation and promise the store has given us.

Let's dig deeper below.

1.Check your order request

The first thing I do when my package delivery is late, is to check my order to see if I got the right memo about the date and if I ordered the product to the right address.

I believe we can do the same when we're waiting in expectation for God to deliver something to our lives. We are encouraged to make our requests known to God, so what have you requested of God? Or what do you need to request of Him you've only wished for this far?

"And all the time you don’t obtain what you want because you won’t ask God for it! And if you ask, you won’t receive it for you’re asking with corrupt motives, seeking only to fulfill your own selfish desires" James 4:2 TPT. 

When we "check our order" metaphorically speaking, we can make sure we've actually asked God and not only wished for it. We can also give God access to search our hearts to make sure we requested a delivery to our lives with the right motive. Sometimes, we might also already have received what we asked for but we haven't had eyes to see it because the delivery arrived in a different package than we expected it to look like.

One thing is sure. God is always active in our lives as these scriptures reveal. He is sending out orders and working for our good:

"God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm" Psalm 91:11 MSG.

 "He sends out his orders throughout the world; his words run as swift messengers, bringing them to pass" Psalm 147:15 MSG.

"He established the cosmos to last forever, and he stands behind his commands so his orders will never be revoked" Psalm 148:6 MSG.

God is in the business of sending special orders out to protect us, and what He orders for our lives will be impossible to change.

2. Check your spam filter 

One of the more frustrating messages to receive when trying to deliver an email is this one: "Delivery Status Notification (Failure) I learnt that one of the reasons for this delivery fail is because the email is landing in a spam filter! 

I've been reminded of the importance of having an internal spam filter in this season of waiting to deliver my baby into the world. An internal spam filter is helpful in sorting out unhelpful comments from taking root in my heart and mind.

Whether the negative comments have been about bad birth experiences, comments on the belly or others simply projecting their fears on me, my internal spam filter has helped me let the good opinions, comments and remarks stay and the negative ones go.

We can't put our hope in people's words to deliver us: "Give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain [a worthless hope]" Psalm 108:12. 

When our spam filter is working, we set ourselves up for a win so only the authentic and real, honourable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind (Phil. 4:8 TPT) words gets to stay and get attention in the inbox of our hearts and minds. 

Let your mental spam filter help sort what words to hold on to and which ones to let go of as you await in hopeful expectancy on your delivery.

Even when our own deliveries fail to be sent properly, we can rest knowing that God's deliveries to our lives never get lost in a spam filter. His deliveries are timely and we need open hands and hearts to receive the new He has for us:

"Is anything too difficult or too wonderful for the Lord? At the appointed time, when the season [for her delivery] comes, I will return to you and Sarah will have a son” Genesis 18:14 AMP.

3. Check the promise 

To stick with the package delivery-example, I do check the order confirmation whenever my delivery is delayed. I make sure that what I think has been promised from the store is actually what the order confirmation-email says I can expect.

I believe the exact same principle goes for our relationship with God. When we haven't received what we've been waiting for, it can be helpful to go back and check what God actually promised? Did he put a date on it? He rarely does as His ways are not our ways.  If your journal entry does not recount what He has specifically promised you in the area you're waiting for a delivery on, go to the bible to see what He has promised in terms of deliverance.

When I did a word-study on "deliverance", I found that God is the ultimate deliverer! He delivers us from death (Psalm 30:1), God delivers nations (Isaiah 27:1), God delivers justice (Hebrews 10:30) and He has delivered us from the consequences of sin (Ephesians 4:30). This general, big perspective on deliverance helps me wait on the specific deliveries! 

Costly deliveries

I must admit, I certainly have my favourite delivery service! That would be free, express delivery right to my door! No cost, short waiting time and no hassle to pick up the package is such a joy.

However, this is not always how our packages arrive, and it's not always how our other deliveries in life come. For example, I don't expect my birth delivery to be with no cost and with no waiting time. I'm prepared that there will be a painful cost to pay in birthing my daughter but I trust it will be absolutely worthwhile and beautiful anyways.

Even if your spiritual/soul/physical delivery might come with a cost, know that God's presence will go with you. He will battle for you. You just need to stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you (2 Chronicles 20:17 NIV).

 If He has brought you to it, He'll enable you to go through it: 

“Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?” says your God" Isaiah 66:9 AMP. 

Surprise deliveries 

Another favourite delivery service of mine would be surprise deliveries. People have been kind in this pregnancy journey to surprise us with deliveries of clothes and baby gear we didn't expect to receive.

Jesus himself came as a surprise delivery through a virgin birth and what He continually does in people's lives around the world are surprise deliveries - the exceedingly, abundantly above our wildest requests-kind of surprises. He has done these surprise deliverances since he entered the scene as the prophet Isaiah prophesied:

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For those who lived in a land of deep shadows— light! sunbursts of light! [...]The abuse of oppressors and cruelty of tyrants— all their whips and cudgels and curses— Is gone, done away with, a deliverance as surprising and sudden as Gideon’s old victory over Midian[...]For a child has been born—for us! the gift of a son—for us!" Isaiah 9:2 MSG.

I pray for the last three months of this year that you’ll receive surprise deliveries that would be the kind only God knows you're longing for; the kind that'll be infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! 

These kind of surprise deliveries energises us as we wait for full deliverance. 

Full deliverance 

While you wait on your delivery, know that the hope set before us as Christ-followers is not only the specific deliverance you're waiting for - it's the full deliverance of heaven in the not-yet kingdom where there will be no more tears and pain! 

"All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance

That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy" Romans 8:22 MSG. 

Be encouraged! Deliverance is here already, deliverance is on it's way, and deliverance will come! 

“Pay attention, my people. Listen to me, nations. Revelation flows from me. My decisions light up the world. My deliverance arrives on the run, my salvation right on time"  Isaiah 51:4 MSG.  

As you await your specific delivery, check out your order request, check your spam filter and check out God’s promise to you. He’ll provide for the costly deliveries, He loves to surprise you with His deliveries and He is a God who has secured your full deliverance through Jesus.

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Kaldet til din næste

Dette er en artikel udgivet på "Docks". Det er Haven Networks ressourceplatform, som tilbyder artikler og videoer, til at styrke, udfordre og inspirere dig på din vandring i den kristne tro – om du er skeptisk eller allerede troende. De er tilknyttet kirken Haven i Aarhus, som er en evangelisk frikirke.

Diakoni er en vigtig del af mit liv på syvende år. Det har haft indflydelse på min egen åndelige udvikling og hjulpet med at sætte mine egne kampe i perspektiv og bringe indre helbredelse, hvor jeg behøvede det. At sidde med åbenlyst brudte og forkastede mennesker har givet mig vokseværk på mange planer.

Selvom diakoni udleves af kristne i mange lokalsamfund rundt omkring i Danmark, er ordet ikke længere en fast del af de flestes ordforråd. Men det er endnu mere relevant i dag, hvor kirkens rolle i socialt arbejde kan underspilles på grund af de omsorgsopgaver, der er uddelegeret til staten. Bureaukrati i det offentlige sundhedssystem kan spænde ben for nærværet og udlevelsen af et kristent menneskesyn, og derfor har diakoni – gjort i Jesu navn og eksempel – stadig sin berettigelse.

Derfor vil vi sammen kigge nærmere på, hvad diakoni er, og hvorfor det er en vigtig del af at være Jesus-efterfølger.

Må det være til opmuntring og motivation for dig, der allerede er i gang med diakoni, og til inspiration for dig, der endnu ikke er det.

Hvad er diakoni?

Det græske ord diakonia betyder tjeneste og er brugt over 100 gange i Det Nye Testamente. Historisk set har diakoni været det centrale ord til at beskrive kirkens sociale ansvar og arbejde; hvordan evangeliet udleves i handling igennem omsorg for fattige, nødlidende og udstødte. Og at være Jesu hænder, fødder og stemme deles typisk op i to former – karitativ og profetisk diakoni.

Karitativ diakoni handler om barmhjertighedsgerninger, der afhjælper og lindrer et medmenneskes nutidige, presserende behov, som eksempelvis at tilbyde et måltid mad eller et bad til en hjemløs. Udover de utallige eksempler i evangelierne på Jesu spontane barmhjertighedsgerninger, opfordrer blandt andet Ordsprogenes Bog til spontan tjeneste for vores medmennesker: »Afslå ikke at hjælpe nogen, hvis du er i stand til det« Ordsprogenes bog 3:27.

Hvor karitativ diakoni handler om her og nu-indgriben over for et medmenneske, er den profetiske diakoni rettet mod at tale de svages sag, og stå op for retfærdighed, for at skabe en ny fremtid for dem, der ikke kan forsvare sig selv. Det kan være en politisk handling, eller andre måder hvor vores stemme bruges til at protestere, demonstrere og adressere strukturer, der skaber ulighed og fattigdom. Fx er et kendt eksempel på profetisk diakoni Martin Luther Kings borgerrettighedsbevægelse. Når Esajas profeterer om Jesus som Isajs rodskud, Davids søn, i Esajas’ bog, er det bare et af mange steder, hvor Jesus forsvarer de svage: »Han forsvarer fattiges rettigheder og dømmer de svage retfærdigt« Esajas 11:4.

Hvorfor kalder Jesus hver af sine efterfølgere til at udleve de her former for diakoni over for vores medmennesker? Her kommer fire grunde.

1) Troværdighed

Som Jesus-efterfølgere ønsker vi, at vores ord og handling går hånd i hånd – både det, vi siger, vi står for individuelt, og hvad vi bekender, vi sammen tror på som kirke. Derfor kan diakoni ikke bare uddelegeres som statens opgave, for troværdigheden af vores budskab vises gennem det levede liv hos hver enkelt troende: »I viser med jeres liv, at I er et anbefalingsbrev fra Kristus« 2 Korintherbrev 3:3.

Apostlenes Gerningers sjette kapitel beskriver den parring af ordets forkyndelse og diakoniens udrakte hænder til samfundet, der giver troværdighed til evangeliet og skinner et lys i mørket for udenforstående:

Efterhånden som flere og flere kom til tro, begyndte de græsktalende jødekristne i menigheden at beklage sig overfor de hebraisktalende, fordi de mente, at deres enker blev tilsidesat ved den daglige maduddeling. Derfor indkaldte de 12 apostle alle lederne til et møde og sagde: »Det er ikke godt, at vi forsømmer forkyndelsen af Guds ord for at tage vare på maduddelingen. Derfor skal I finde syv erfarne og åndsfyldte mænd iblandt jer, som har et godt ry. Dem vil vi give ansvaret for maduddelingen, så vi selv kan koncentrere os om bønnen og tjenesten med at forkynde ordet.«

De syntes alle, at det var et godt forslag, og de valgte derfor syv mænd: Stefanus (en mand, som var fuld af tro og Helligåndens kraft), Filip, Prokoros, Nikanor, Timon, Parmenas og Nikolaos fra Antiokia (en græker, der tidligere havde sluttet sig til jødedommen). De syv blev så fremstillet for apostlene, som bad for dem og indsatte dem til tjeneste ved at lægge hænderne på dem og velsigne dem.

Guds ord nåede ud i stadig videre kredse, og antallet af disciple voksede stærkt i Jerusalem. Også en del af de jødiske præster kom til tro" Apostlenes Gerninger 6:1-7.

Her i den første kirke begynder en diakonal afdeling, hvor næstekærligheden bliver systematiseret, for at kunne afhjælpe behovet om enkernes tilsidesættelse ved den daglige maduddeling. Den første kirke forstår vigtigheden af, at den praktiske tjeneste ikke går ud over ordets forkyndelse. Derfor udpeges nye ledere til at stå for maduddelingen. Hvad der skete efter denne beslutning, er fantastisk; frugten er ikke til at tage fejl af. Antallet af disciple voksede stærkt og flere jødiske præster kom til tro.

Det er den effekt, vi kan have tro for, når vi skaber muligheder for medkristnes næste skridt i deres vandring med Gud. For mange vil næste skridt være at blive involveret i diakonalt arbejde, og bruge deres gaver der, hvad end deres gaver er at lede, tro, opmuntre, administrere, helbrede, hjælpe praktisk, udøve barmhjertighed, trøste, give af sit eget eller andet (Romerne 12:6). Ved at udleve evangeliet i handling og aktivt bruge egne gaver, går vi fra kun at være forbrugere til også at være bidragere, og det skaber modenhed og troværdighed: »Hvis troen står alene uden at give sig udtryk i handling, er den død« Jakobs brev 2:14.

Når vi står sammen som kirke i at elske vores næste, og i vores udadrettede arbejde også giver udtryk for vores indbyrdes kærlighed til hinanden, er det et fantastisk, troværdigt vidnesbyrd for dem, der følger med i vores liv fra sidelinjen. Og dem er der flere af end du tror – også andre end dem, der følger dig på sociale medier.

2) For din egen sundheds skyld

»Den, der giver til andre, får mere igen, den, der afhjælper nød, bliver selv hjulpet« Ordsprogenes Bog 11:25. Der er noget forfriskende i at tjene andre. Når vi får øjnene væk fra os selv og tjener en anden, der har det svært, er det fantastisk, hvordan det hjælper vores egen situation og hjerte. Min egen oplevelse med at blive involveret i diakonalt arbejde for 7 år siden var, at jeg gik fra at være selvoptaget til at blive selvbevidst. Før var jeg selvabsorberet og det satte mig i fangeskab at fokusere på alt, der var forkert med mig. Gennem diakonalt arbejde blev jeg i stedet selvbevidst og opmærksom på, hvordan jeg kunne bruge mine styrker og min frihed til at tjene andre i kærlighed (Galaterbrevet 5:13).

Det var en vigtig lektie at lære for mig, at jeg kunne bruges her og nu i et andet menneskes liv. Det kræver ikke perfektion at afhjælpe andres nød. Gud bruger os i vores svaghed. Paulus udfordrer os med, at det er i vores svaghed at Guds styrke fremhæves (2 Korinterbrev 12:10). Derfor er vores egen brudthed ikke en hindring for at blive involveret. Når vi er i kontakt med vores egen brudthed, får vi et mod til at træde ind i andres lidelser og bære deres byrder, fordi vi kan relatere til dem. Hvis vi ikke er bekendt med vores egen brudthed og hvordan Jesus møder os og lyser vores mørke op, er det svært at have håb for, at det kan ske midt i andres (ved første øjekast) håbløse historier.

Vær opmuntret! Diskvalificér ikke dig selv. Alt det kræver at lede et andet menneske (til Jesus, til håb, til liv, til visdom) er at være et enkelt skridt foran – hvad end det så er at være rigere på en oplevelse, rigere i modenhed, erfaring, ressourcer, venskaber, økonomi eller noget helt andet.

Ved at fortsætte på rejsen med at blive sat fri fra vores eget mørke, og vandre i det lys vi er blevet givet af Jesus, kan vi lyse vejen op for andre. Han er en lygte for vores fod og et lys på vores sti (Salme 119:105). Vi får privilegiet af at opfylde kærlighedsbuddet om at elske vores næste som os selv – i Helligåndens kraft – og proklamere over mennesker, “Bliv fri fra dit mørke”.

Et sundt legeme ånder både ind og ud. Det samme gælder for Jesu legeme; det både modtager og giver.

3) Fordi Jesus viste vejen

Korset viser os Jesu ubetingede kærlighed. Jesus viser os at ægte kærlighed er at ofre sig for og frivilligt forpligte sig til andre mennesker, som han gjorde for os på korset: »Jesus gav jo sit liv for vores skyld, så han kunne løskøbe os fra al ondskab og umoralitet og gøre os til sit ejendomsfolk, et folk, der ivrigt søger efter at gøre det gode« Titus 2:14.

På korset elskede Jesus os tilbage til livet, og når den kærlighedsgerning modtages på et personligt plan og bliver gjort levende, er det naturlige biprodukt at vi ønsker at omfavne folk midt i deres brudthed, ligesom Jesus fortsætter med at omfavne os. Denne usædvanlige kærlighed driver og opfordrer os til at ydmyge os selv og følge i vores Frelsers fodspor. Vi lever ikke længere for os selv. Vi lever for ham, og vores hjerter bevæges af, hvad Guds hjerte bevæger sig af – en brudt menneskehed.

Kristus udfordrer vores menneskelige natur, når han viser os at tjeneste ikke er en vej til storhed. Tjeneste er storhed. Det er en fantastisk byttehandel Gud tilbyder os. Som vi giver til andre, modtager vi. Når vi tjener, bliver vi kaldt mægtige. Når vi dør til vores egne ambitioner, bliver vi levende i Ham. Vi udøver diakoni, fordi Jesus viste os vejen.

Må hvad Jesus gjorde for dig blive levende (på ny), og må dit nye liv, der udspringer af Guds nåde og Helligåndens virke, vise andre vejen til Jesus.

4) Mission

»Prædik evangeliet. Om nødvendigt brug ord«. Sådan skulle Frans af Assisi efter sigende have sagt. Ord er nødvendige, men hvis der ikke er nogen handling bag, bliver de hule skaller. En del af befalingen om at “gå ud i alverden” er også befalingen om at gå til de brudte, de oversete og de forkastede. Gud kalder os med et “GÅ”, der trækker det ud af os som vi bærer på, så vi kan uddele det til andre.

Hvis du ikke ved, hvad din særlige mission er, er mission gennem kærlige, strategiske handlinger til velsignelse for andre mennesker et godt sted at starte. Gennem dem er vi jordens salt og verdens lys (Matthæusevangeliet 5:13-14): »På samme måde skal I lade det lys, I har fået, skinne for folk, så de kan se, at det, I gør, er prisværdigt, og så de kan give jeres Far i Himlen ære« Matthæusevangeliet 5:16.

Karitativ og profetisk diakoni koblet med sjælesorg er kraftfuldt, fordi det giver ære til Gud ved at fokusere både på menneskers fysiske, sjælelige, åndelige og fremtidige behov.

Esajas’ bog beskriver Jesu mandat herunder, og dét mandat er også dit. Jeg vil opmuntre dig til at læse det højt og minde dig selv om, hvordan du er kaldet til at følge i Jesu fodspor:

" Herrens Ånd er over dig, fordi han har udvalgt dig. Han har sendt dig for at bringe godt nyt til de afmægtige og genoprette dem, hvis hjerte er knust. Du skal forkynde frihed for de fangne og løse de bundnes bånd. Det bliver en tid, hvor Herren tager imod alle, som kommer til ham, men han vil også straffe de ulydige. Han vil trøste dem, der sørger. Ja alle, som sørger i Zion, vil han give festdragt i stedet for sæk og aske, glæde i stedet for sorg, lovsang i stedet for tungsind. De skal kaldes de retfærdige egetræer, og de skal stå som vidnesbyrd om Herrens herlighed" Esajas 61:1.

Må vi som kirker i Danmark bevæges til handling for vores næste ved intelligent og strategisk at kigge på behovene i vores lokalområde, og respondere hvor vi kan.

Gud velsigne dig.

Sandra Hultén er gift, venter sit første barn og er nyuddannet cand. mag. i diakoni. Hun er aktiv i Hillsong, hvor hun er opstarter og leder af den diakonale afdeling “Citycare”, der rækker ud til hjemløse, flygtninge og ældre på deres fire kirkelokationer i København, Malmö, Aarhus og Aalborg.

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Keys to receive a blueprint part 2

You can read part one on blueprints: "A blueprint for the new year" here.

In the last post, I unpacked how a blueprint is more than a vision. It is a plan on how to live it out. There are countless examples of this in the bible.

God revealed to Noah how exactly the ark was to be built to carry out God’s rescue plan from the flood for the righteous: "This is how you are to make it: The ark will be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high..." (Gen. 6,15 CSB) David received the exact blueprints from God to pass on to Solomon to build the temple of God: "The plans contained everything he had in mind for the courts of the Lord's house, all the surrounding chambers, the treasuries of God's house, and the treasuries for what is dedicated" 1 Chronicles 28:11 CSB.

And on and on the instructions go.

Like Noah and David, we can position ourselves to receive a blueprint for an assignment we've been given so we can partner with God and not only fulfill our assignment, but fulfill it in His loving, wise ways.

For you, God might want to give you a blueprint for the vision He has given you for 2019 whether it be for a certain project, a blueprint for your team structure, or your family's rhythms for example.

What were Noah, David and Jesus' blueprint for? 

Noah's blueprint was for building an ark that could rescue the righteous from the flood God had sent to wipe away the wicked from the earth. The purpose was to partner with God for a reset on earth that would serve the future generations.

David's blueprint was for rebuilding the temple of God. After the Israelites had resettled in Jerusalem after the exile, they needed to reconnect with their identity as the people of God. The temple should direct them back to God's presence in their midst. The temple would later remind many Christians of the importance of the presence of God.

Jesus' blueprint on how to pray in Luke 11 served the purpose of intimacy with the Father and it showed the way for other people to connect to God.

In all three examples (the reset on earth, the rebuilding of the temple and the model of prayer), the blueprints helped serve other people, the future generations and forge relationship with God. 🔑

Let's look on some other keys in scripture that unlocked a blueprint from heaven:

  1. Ask 🔑

"He was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray..." Luke 11:1 CSB.

A new testament example on a blueprint is Jesus teaching us a model for prayer in Luke 11. Before Jesus prayed, "Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come..", he was asked by one of his disciples to be trained on the 'how to'.

Where do you need to ask God on the 'how' to carry out a certain assignment, face a challenge, or maybe reconcile a broken-down relationship?

2.  Walking consistently with God 🔑

"Noah walked with God" Genesis 6:9 CSB.

Noah is described as a man walking with God and David's faithful heart towards God is also evident many places in scripture. When we walk consistently with God, He can align our hearts with His, and He can speak to us about the specifics on how to carry out His heart in a timely manner on the earth.

A blueprint is not about getting a plan and then moving on with the job without God. No, God shares His secrets with friends who consistently abide in Him. 

3. Failure does not disqualify 🔑

"Then David prayed, “I have sinned badly in what I have just done, substituting statistics for trust; forgive my sin—I’ve been really stupid.” 1 Chronicles 21:8 MSG.

Before David received His blueprint he had just been seduced by the enemy to make a prideful leadership decision in counting his warriors.

The key is David’s hearts after his failure. He repents for his lack of trust in counting his warriors and in obedience he builds an altar to worship to God. Like Noah, He is walking with God, not perfect though, but with a repentant heart, willing to bear the consequences of his stupid choice. After David repented, he did not cut corners in building God an altar (1 Chronicles 21:18)

Failure does not have to qualify in partnering with God when we repent and in obedience goes forward with what He has called us to do, now done in His way without cutting corners.

4. A grateful attitude 🔑

In David's prayer (1 Chronicles 29:10 CSB), we see David go public with his honor to God: "Then David blessed the Lord in the sight of all the assembly" and we see David explain how they had received provision from God to carry out the blueprint of the temple: "Lord, our God, all this wealth that we've provided for building you a house for your holy name comes from your hand..."

When we do receive a blueprint from heaven, we can learn from David's example of telling his testimony publicly and recognising where the provision for the blueprint came from. A grateful attitude is pleasing to God.

Promises attached to the blueprint

1 Chron 28:19 tells how God not only gives David the blueprint on how to build the temple, but also the understanding on how to then carry it out: "By the Lord's hand on me, he enabled me to understand everything in writing all the detail of the plan."

That's a comforting fact. We can in the same way believe God not only to give us a blueprint but also to give us the understanding to carry it out.

Let's learn from Noah, David and Jesus and...

  • Ask for a blueprint,
  • Walk consistently with our Father
  • Remember failure does not qualify when we repent
  • Carry a grateful attitude

Bless you,