Looking back on these photos from birth, (and a few more too bloody for this public space 😆) I’m reminded of the labour of love it was to birth my baby! It took persistence and a laying down of preferences and pleasure to deliver…and a whole lot of praise, prayer and power from above. 

So it is with labouring to birth new life spiritually speaking. It takes sacrifice. To birth a God dream not yet in plan sight, we often have to let go of old fears,  preferences and commitments in order to see the ‘baby’ welcomed into the world. 

Delivering new life is costly – messy – beautiful and rewarding all at the same time. 

Jesus’ example shows us that love’s reality is to sacrifice (1 John 3:16 TPT) and that the joy of new life waits on the other side of suffering and surrender (Philippians 3:10 TPT).

Do you have a God dream on the inside of you? 

Sometimes we already know what kind of baby we’re carrying inside of us. A ministry. A business. A book. A song…

What we rarely know is the exact appearance of the baby and other details of when, how, and what it will take to birth it before we go into labour. 

As you navigate the (messy) bends and curves of labouring, I believe God will provide the support of a maternity ward (Fødegang) metaphorically speaking. There you’re empowered with a delivery room, a midwife and all the equipment you need to safely birth whatever is on the inside of you ready to come out. 

So be strong, courageous and encouraged. Support is coming. Have a heart of faith to believe it and eyes to see it. New life is on the other side of your letting go. Just as the autumn season never fails to be a reminder of 🍁

Lean into Him. Partnering with God, the source of all LIFE, is so rewarding. 

Side note/bonus testimony is, last time I published a blog was the day before my due date for our baby girl and also, unbeknownst to me, the day before my water broke and the process of labour begun!

I prophetically declared in faith over you and myself: “Your delivery has arrived” because my husband and I had stood in faith that our daughter would be born just around due date for several family reasons.

God did show up on due date with my water breaking… and I believe that was totally the Father’s perfect will. No matter the herb teas drunk and the squats and long walks made by a pregnant woman, the actual effect of it is still not scientifically proven. It’s a mystery how a women enters labour. God is big and too wondrous for our imagination for us to fathom how He births life through us!

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