I believe 2020 has the potential to be the year you’ll internally hear and believe that you’re ACCEPTED instead of rejected! 🙋🏼‍♀️

“Accepted” will be the soundtrack you walk to. Roots of rejection will be uprooted as you, by faith, receive the grace to walk free from people bondage and past wounds and into your identity in Jesus of being fully accepted – enfolded into the family of God:

“And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God” Romans 8:14-15 TPT.

To accept means to give consent, say yes to, approve of and to welcome.

How powerful to accept (give consent to, say yes to, approve of and welcome) the Holy Spirit’s stamp on you, His life in you, His breath in you. ✨

When you know you’re accepted, you can give consent to make God stretch you beyond what you’ve currently seen without looking to the left or right for approval of your every move. When you know you’re accepted, you can say yes to who you’ve been created to be. 

When you know you’re accepted, you can approve of the gifts you’ve been given and not reject or neglect using them anymore. 

When you know you’re accepted, you can welcome rather than abandon yourself – that is the redeemed, renewed self. The self which Christ shines through. 

Christ in you is the hope of glory. We share in Jesus’ glory. What a grace and what a mystery. What an ACCEPTANCE. 

So – welcome how Christ in you is expressed… Your personality, your gifts, your abilities, your quirks. 

Challenge accepted? (no pun intended)

I know I want to receive this by faith and apply and align myself accordingly 🤗

Whether you’re carrying perceived rejection, internal self-rejection with a harsh inner critic or experienced an actual rejection in a relationship, from a job, a certain group etc., know that you can apply the Word of God to your mind. 📖

With the mind of Christ, you’ll believe you’re accepted even while being rejected on the outside. 

As you accept the gift of you, you can give of yourself to others rather than neglect, abuse, despise and discard what you have to offer. ❤️

We’re accepted – in Jesus’ name. ✨

Picture by Sophie Vestergård  (Instagram-handle: @sophvest)

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