
When your future seems lost

Fear of the future

Have you ever felt like the future you long to step into is a million miles away?

As I entered month after month of job hunting in the midst of the Corona pandemic, I felt my future was lost.

The fog surrounding an uncertain future can do the following to us: it can make us have mood swings, feel incompetent, doubtful, skeptic, indecisive, depressive and fearful. Ultimately, it can create an actual crisis in our lives.

I knew the future would become my present because that's the nature of time.

I just didn't know if that future would be good. The 'in-between' felt like God had lost my address at times. To loose expectation in God is a dark place to live.

King David knew the pain of those dry and restraining seasons where we only get the manna we need for today but not the steak we desire.

He knew of wilderness experiences, both in his circumstances and in his soul:

'"He ground my teeth with gravel and made me cower in the dust. I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is. Then I thought, "My future is lost, as well as my hope from the Lord" Lamentations 3:16-18 CSB.

Doubt about past decisions

Not only does the in-between test our trust in God. It can test our trust in ourselves.

For me, I started to doubt and judge previous decisions I had made. Ruminating and regretful thoughts spun around: "I would have avoided this pain and sense of being stuck, if only I had chosen another major, taken a shorter education or lived another place, ."

On and on the accusing voice went with second-guessing, forgetting the truth that Søren Kierkegaard addresses:

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards”
– Søren Kierkegaard.

It is sad when we dig up in doubt the decisions we planted in faith years ago.

We may not have seen the harvest of those seeds sown earlier in life yet but that is where "[...]we have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised" Hebrews 10:36 AMP.

Life demands patience of us, and patience only comes by daring to tolerate waiting.

It all comes down to trust. Trusting that the God who led us before will lead us again. Trusting that as we walk by faith, not by sight, we will be guided along the best pathway for our life.

What to do in the in-between

If you find yourself in the 'in-between' (and we often do in at least one area of life, hey?), then be encouraged with these verses:

"God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
to the woman who diligently seeks.
It’s a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from God.
It’s a good thing when you’re young
to stick it out through the hard times.

 When life is heavy and hard to take,
go off by yourself. Enter the silence.
Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear.
Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face.
The “worst” is never the worst."

Lamentations 3:27-28 MSG .

In the Amplified Bible, the same verse ends with, "It is good for a man that he should bear The yoke [of godly discipline] in his youth. Let him sit alone [in hope] and keep quiet, Because God has laid it on him [for his benefit]" (my emphasis).

I find it fascinating that when we lean into discipleship, including discipline, it is to our own benefit — the benefit of becoming beautiful and strong inside out.

Adversity is to be received as training ground for those who love God.

How do we train in the 'in-between', then? Good question!

The Lamentations-verses above mention a lot of action-related words/verbs:

  • to wait passionately,
  • to seek diligently,
  • to hope quietly,
  • to stick it out,
  • to enter the silence,
  • to bow in prayer.

As you keep coming back to practicing these verbs in your life, your King and God will do His part and roll back the curtains when the new scene of your life is ready to be revealed and played out.

Breakthrough in soul and circumstance

Through the ups and downs of trust - distrust - then trust again — in God and myself, I experienced what is written in Romans 5:4 TPT: "And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope" (my emphasis).

The times I waited with hope and smiled at the future, life was more enjoyable in the 'in-between'.

And you know what?

I got a job!

With the breakthrough, I discovered:

  • God's grace over my imperfect waiting
  • I was busy moving to the next chapter, God was not!
  • God's timing is perfect.

Hope in the future

Remember, you have not disqualified yourself for a great future by any situation done by you or to you in the past.

Your future is not lost. It is safely placed in the hands of God:

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11 NIV.

The fogginess will eventually lift and breakthrough will come.

In the meantime, spend less time looking for clarity and reasoning as to why life is hard right now, and more time trusting the One who is the Way, truth and life itself!

I encourage you, do not give up believing for your bright future!

Don't stress out, and don't be so hard on yourself.

You're doing better than you think you are. God is right on time.



Covid-19 Faith declaration

Not only is the world turned upside down in this season of Covid-19. On a personal note, many of us are affected too. Whether the impact is due to losing a job, fear and dread of what's to come, cancellation disappointments, or missing a hug, I think Psalm 112 is timely to declare!

It's heading is "The triumph of faith" in the Passion translation. And how we will triumph! We'll not have to fear bad news when we're walking with God, for our hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

I've inserted "we" and "us" where it says "they" and "their" so that you can audibly personalize and speak out these promises over us as the people of God.

I pray this declaration will become your belief and anchor as you navigate these changing waters.

"Shout in celebration of praise to the Lord!
Everyone who loves the Lord and delights in him
will cherish his words and be blessed beyond expectation.

Our descendants  will be prosperous and influential.
Every generation of his godly lovers will experience his favor.

Great blessing and wealth fills the house of the wise,
for our integrity endures forever.

Even if darkness overtakes us,
sunrise-brilliance will come bursting through
because we are gracious to others, so tender and true.

Life is good for the one who is generous and charitable,
conducting affairs with honesty and truth.

Our circumstances will never shake us
and others will never forget our example.

We will not live in fear or dread of what may come,
for our hearts are firm, ever secure in our faith.

Steady and strong, we will not be afraid,
but will calmly face our every foe
until they all go down in defeat.

Never stingy and always generous to those in need,
our lives of influence and honor will never be forgotten,
for we were full of good deeds.

But the wicked take one look at a life lived like this
and they grit their teeth in anger, not understanding their bliss.

The wicked slink away speechless in the darkness that falls,
where hope dies and all their dreams fade away to nothing,
nothing at all!"

Psalm 112 TPT.



Let Love Lead - 5 practices for the corona crisis

Let love lead - five practises for the Corona crisis

These are the days of lockdown.

These are the days where toilet paper and other essentials have been hoarded in fear of lacking. Super markets have experienced queues, hand sanitizers and the like are being stolen from hospitals in desperation and selfishness. Restaurants, fitness centres, shopping centres, hairdressers and dentists are closing down today except for takeaway and urgent dentist care. These are the days where no more than 10 people are allowed to meet up. Pregnant women can't choose anymore if they want to birth their baby at home due to hygienic considerations. People's non-urgent operations are on hold. The welfare system that is normally so dependable in Denmark is being shaken and endangered.

Everyone has to change up their daily life. It's the days of cancelled plans, empty streets and coughing in our sleeves. Things are different for sure, and who could have imagined this just a month back?

What a surreal moment in history we're part of right now of a new virus locking down society! Unprecedented days. I hope you're safe and your hope is anchored and your faith intact.

It's so easy (and natural) to panic and get paralyzed by the crisis. But I know I do not want to stay there. When I think about having to tell my daughter one day about these crazy times we lived through, I want to tell a story of how we didn't stay paralyzed by fear but we moved forward in loving action.

That's where I want to position myself. You too?

Therefore, I am practising these five 'S'-words: sow, serve, stir, sabbath rest and spring forth even though they are not natural at all right now!

Wanna join me? Then read along below.

I pray that no plague will come near your dwelling.

When fear tries to paralyse us, let's let love lead and respond with action.

1. Sow

I heard the biblical teachers John & Lisa Bevere recently speak about Genesis 26 and how Isaac chooses to sow in the land (v.12) even though it is a time of famine: "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him".

It's not natural to sow now because I know my husband's job with a blink of an eye just got more unstable, and my job prospects after maternity leave might be also. Nevertheless, we have chosen to sow now financially to an organisation that helps serve the socially vulnerable in Covid-19 because sowing seed activates faith and trust instead of fear of being in lack ourselves.

Also, I love that God has already sown words of knowledge into the earth through His people and given us discernment to know the times and season we're in. He has already given heads-up's to some people of what is in front of us right now, like this hope-filled prophecy from Joseph Prince.

2. Serve

Serving is not a natural response either right now. Fear of spreading the virus may want us to stay in our homes completely. I want to do my due diligence and err on the side of caution to not spread the virus unknowingly.

I also want to be on the lookout for those who are more exposed than me. I've chosen to offer my help in my local church and also through Red Cross' help network to grocery shop for elderly and other exposed people. This can be done with all the precautions in place of two metres of distance, gloves, hand sanitizers and so on.

3. Stir up

I want to stir up prayer, conversation and positive imagination.

Prayers of protection (Psalm 91). Conversations about God's nature that's unshaken in the midst of shaking times. Positive imagination on how to spend my time creatively - whether that's to connect with people through FaceTime to not isolate completely, to practice new skills, read books that's been on my bucket list or whatever else I might be reminded to do.

4. Sabbath rest

With constant newsflashes during the day, I find myself sitting down a lot and checking the news constantly to stay updated, and maybe also to feel a sense of control in the midst of craziness.

But I want to be committed to set parameters on my intake of this so that I'm actually also getting up, walking, praying and journaling instead of mindlessly consuming and ending up in spirals which do not bring any true rest.

"If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people, and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I’ll be there ready for you: I’ll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health" 2 Chronicles 7:14 MSG.

This lockdown is a great opportunity to 'return to the garden' and awaken or reawaken to our first love. We can get still and let God tend our souls. I love how Isaiah 51:3 puts it:

"I, God, will comfort… I will transform her dead ground into Eden, her moonscape into the garden of God."

5. Spring forth:

What I know about God is that He allows in his wisdom what He can prevent in his power. He has allowed this to play out even though evil is not sent from Him. I know that He works things out for the good for those who love Him and are called to his purpose.

Therefore, I'll have hope in what will spring forth from this. I know the nature of God and the rhythms He has set up. After Autumn and Winter, comes Spring and Summer. When He prunes and cuts back, a new bud shows up. In pain, a child is birthed. In boredom, creativity blossoms.

I want to pay attention to what might be awakened through this. I pray we will awaken. I pray that with the slow pace comes reconciliation for families that are on the brink of divorce.

I pray we'll not let worst-case-scenarios spring forth but speak forth God's promises instead. We know the facts about the situation. But the eternal truth is, that He that is in us is greater than the One in the world... The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life to the full... God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind....and on and on His truth goes! Let's preach it to ourselves and remind each other of God's promises.

Let's take this one day at a time. He has got you.

We only know in part now but one day we will know in full <3



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Picture: Sophie Vestergård (instagram-handle: @sophvest).

A bud is coming forth 🌱

To watch & listen to the message, watch the video. ⬆️

To read it yourself, continue below. ⬇️

Have you ever had a melt-down? Like a shaking ugly kind of meltdown? Where it’s all flowing – snot, tears and of course the loud sobbing? It’s definitely not the glamorous moments of life I am talking about here. I’ve had a few lately I must confess, and my behaviour started to worry me. Why am I breaking down like this? Am I a crazy person? Taking on too much? Processing too little? Not able to adapt to changes? What’s going on?

The questions were valid and necessary but brought to calm this morning when there came a turnaround in my perspective. Through reading a book, the Holy Spirit reassured me how okay it is to grieve and mourn. It was the exact permission I needed to just let the sadness flow. Feel it and grieve it to then release it.

It is okay to cry out like David: “I’m hurt and in pain; Give me space for healing, and mountain air”  Psalm 69:29 MSG. ⛰

Mourning is not only for people who have lost loved ones. It is also for the ones of us who have experienced death of a friendship, death of a season, or death of an expectation. Disappointment in ourselves, in others or a dream is a real pain and it demands to be felt and mourned. As Jesus followers, to experience death is actually necessary for new life, the life of Jesus, to spring up in greater ways in our lives.

For me, this reminder gave me freedom to grieve. When something is cut away from our lives, whether it’s a loss or change life throws at us or something we voluntarily give up, it hurts. Even when we ourselves know it’s time and right for something to be cut away because it has been good this far but will not be sustainable for where we are going in the future, it’s hard because we might not know the new provision that’s coming for us. The cutting of a  __________ (relationship, ministry, dream etc…..fill in the gap) leaves just that – a gap.

Therefore, with this post, I want to encourage you, as I was encouraged myself, to be free to grieve the loss, and also know that a cut is part of a pruning process in our Christian walk.

The likeness of our inner lives being pruned as Christians and the pruning of beautiful, yummy-smelling roses, like the ones in the top of this post, is actually astounding! 💐 Roses too need pruning to continue to flourish.

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When I realized this connection, I spent time looking for rose pics for my inspiration board on Pinterest. 🌹 As one beautiful rose came up one after another on the Pinterest dashboard, in between came also descriptions of how to do some succesful rose pruning. I learned that rose pruning is defined the following ways:

  1. To reduce something by removing things that are not necessary.
  2. To cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially so that it will grow better in the future.
  3. A proper pruning cut is made just above a growth bud ✂
  4. Seal every significant cut with glue to speed the healing of the cut.

This definition reminded me of the pruning truth John 15 speaks about in the context of Jesus being the vine and us being the branches. Like rose pruning, God is at times removing things in our lives that are not necessary: “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit…” 

God also cuts off branches in our lives in order for us to grow better into the future He has prepared for us: “…while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (Rose pruning point nr. 2 ) 🌿

I know it can feel like a shock when we are cut from every side in a time where we have just gotten used to an extent of flourishing in life. But, there is so much hope. Because God prunes us the same way a rose is cared for. God makes the cut just above the bud. This means that while it may seem like we are left empty handed in the cutting, we never are. He has already given us a bud, a signal of hope and new beginnings. Jesus is our patient pruner who is not scared of seeds, buds, and small beginnings. He is excitingly gardening and landscaping our lives into a beautiful, flourishing salvation garden (James 1:21 MSG), and is with expectation awaiting the nice, new bud to come forth!

After every significant cut, Jesus seals it with glue to speed up the healing, just like roses are treated after a pruning (rose pruning point nr.4) Jesus is our glue; He holds us together and in His presence we are healed when life takes us unexpected places. Jesus redirects our growth, He is our Healer and in the pain of the healing process we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus Himself learned obedience by the things which he suffered (Hebrews 5:8 NIV).

Let’s trust His heart when something is cut off from our lives. God cuts just above the bud so that the new and better will spring forth! He is giving us a new assignment and redirecting our growth. The cut is a promise of a launch into a new season of effectiveness, influence and fruit, which is exciting.

Trust it’s a nice bud coming! He has got you. 🌹


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Nice bud 😉

Have you ever had a melt-down? Like a shaking ugly kind of meltdown? Where it's all flowing - snot, tears and of course the loud sobbing? It's definitely not the glamorous moments of life I am talking about here. I've had a few lately I must confess, and my behaviour started to worry me. Why am I breaking down like this? Am I a crazy person? Taking on too much? Processing too little? Not able to adapt to changes? What's going on?

The questions were valid and necessary but brought to calm this morning when there came a turnaround in my perspective. Through reading a book, the Holy Spirit reassured me how okay it is to grieve and mourn. It was the exact permission I needed to just let the sadness flow. Feel it and grieve it to then release it.

It is okay to cry out like David: "I’m hurt and in pain; Give me space for healing, and mountain air."  Psalm 69,29 MSG ⛰

Mourning is not only for people who have lost loved ones. It is also for the ones of us who have experienced death of a friendship, death of a season, or death of an expectation. Disappointment in ourselves, in others or a dream is a real pain and it demands to be felt and mourned. As Jesus followers, to experience death is actually necessary for new life, the life of Jesus, to spring up in greater ways in our lives.

For me, this reminder gave me freedom to grieve. When something is cut, whether it's something life throws at us or something we voluntarily give up, it hurts. Even when we ourselves know it's time and right for something to be cut away because it has been good this far but will not be sustainable for where we are going in the future, it's hard because we might not know the new provision that's coming for us. The cutting of a  __________ (relationship, ministry, dream etc.....fill in the gap) leaves just that - a gap.

Therefore, with this post, I want to encourage you as I was encouraged to be free to grieve the loss, and also know that a cut is part of a pruning process in our Christian walk - just as it is for roses to continually flourish!

The likeness of our inner lives being pruned as Christians and the pruning of beautiful, yummy-smelling roses, like the ones in the top of this post, is actually astounding! 💐


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When I realized this connection, I spent time looking for rose pics for my inspiration board on Pinterest, as you do :) On a sidenote though, for those who don't use Pinterest, my friends can testify that it seriously changed my life and helped me process and put images and words to my experiences, but we can continue that fun conversation another time, ha! You can check it out at: and even get started there yourself! 🌹

Back on track - as one beautiful rose after another came up on my Pinterest dashboard, in between came descriptions of how to do some succesful rose pruning. I learned that pruning is defined this way:

  1. To reduce something by removing things that are not necessary.
  2. To cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially so that it will grow better in the future.
  3. A proper pruning cut is made just above a growth bud ✂️
  4. Seal every significant cut with glue to speed the healing of the cut.

This definition reminded me of the pruning truth John 15 speaks about in the context of Jesus being the vine and us the branches:

"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit..."

In the same wayGod is at times removing things in our lives that are not necessary (Rose pruning point nr.1)

It continues: 🌿

"...while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful"  

God cuts branches in our lives in order for us to grow better into the future He has prepared for us. (Rose pruning point nr. 2)

I know it can feel like a shock when we are cut from every side in a time where we have just gotten used to an extent of flourishing in life. What I love is how God works just like rose pruning point nr. 3 - He makes the cut just above the bud. It means that while it may seem like we are left empty handed in the cutting, we never are. He has already given us a bud and He is not scared of small beginnings. He is patiently waiting for the nice, new bud to come forth!

After every significant cut, we need to seal it with glue to speed up the healing. (rose pruning point nr.4) Jesus is our glue; he holds us together and in His presence we are healed when life takes us unexpected places. Jesus redirects our growth, He is our Healer and He learned obedience Himself by the things which he suffered. Hebrews 5,8 NIV

Let's trust His heart when something is cut off from our lives. God cuts just above the bud so that the new and better will spring forth! He is giving us a new assignment and redirecting our growth. The cut is a promise of a launch into a new season of effectiveness, influence and fruit, which is exciting.

Trust it's a nice bud coming! He has got you. 🌹


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